Saturday, November 3, 2007

Women's Forum Election 2007

Thursday, November 1st found a receptive audience at City Hall Forum listening to four Women candidates, as they talked about themselves, their Parties' platforms, and answered questions from the Moderator and from the floor. I thought it would be great if all four candidates won seats in the next Legislature of Saskatchewan. No one backed down from a question, and the atmosphere was quite positive (in my opinion). The women were articulate about their reason's for entering politics. Each had an impressive background of personal experience, volunteering and committment to what they were doing. The challenges were admited to, but not defeating to them in any way. The obvious interest they took in answering the questions from the floor, and the honesty they showed when confronted with information they were not familiar with, was refreshing. It flies in the face of comments you often hear about women being so involved with their work and family that they are not interested in anything else, nor do they have the time. It is refreshing to hear why they are making the time, and it often is related to their personal experiences, and a realization that the solutions to many problems would progress when given a women's insight and perspective. Thanks to the YWCA for arranging the Forum. It was time well spent.

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